A fresh start

There goes >7 years of posting history. Pretty relieved to have all that off the public record, my 17 year old self... well - what are 17 year olds like. I'm 25 right now, which is equal parts surprising and unsettling. You might ask why come back? Why write?

Despite the trouble writing has often gotten me into, I really just can't seem to help myself. Ideas just tend to rattle around in my head and refuse to shift unless put down somewhere. I remember when I was interviewing for my very first developer job & finding out that the interviewers had managed to read my more private blog posts because I had neglected to filter the private: true posts from my RSS feed. That was a fun one.

The internet has become a difficult place to remain anonymous in the last couple decades, there's aren't any "safe" places left, maybe Tumblr at a push. Even then, I still don't like being a cloud serf for a faceless corporation. Whatever value we create is not respected, nor do we receive any compensation for it. So I'm back here - back on my little island in the vast expanse talking into the void.
